Autumn Joys

My favourite cheese (if it is possible) has finally bjeen recognised. We ran this when we opened in 2010, and in my, albeit humble, opinion, this cheese will stand the test of time with the Whitestone Blues, Clevedon Buffalo mozzarella and others to become an iconic NZ cheese. It is the Darfield, and was awarded Champion Original Cheese this year in the 2012 Cuisine Cheese Awards. Anna Moorhead has combined art with food perfectly. The cheese is fresh, with a shelf life of about 3 weeks, I think, of creamy consistency, and pungent with white mould, not for the fainted hearted, with a French ash layer through the middle. When cut, this ash line schmears to become a seismograph reading, a memorial to the September Earthquake centred on Darfield, 20 kilometres from Anna and her father Ev's goat farm. I love it, and we sell plenty when it is available, as well as the wonderful Fromage Blanc. Grown men have been called to comment on the Fromage Blanc in a roquette salad with pears, roasted or not, and nuts...almonds or walnuts, dressing of avo oil and real lemon juice, pepper and salt. My favourite is on pizza, I am embarrassed to say, with Hungarian Deli's Black Pudding, and a sprinkle of roquette, maybe a squidgeon of grated Neudorf .
And the winners are...
2012 Cuisine NZ Champions of Cheese Awards WINNERS
Yealands Estate Champion of Champions Award
Meyer Vintage Gouda – Meyer Gouda Cheese
Cuisine Champion Artisan Cheese
Very Old Edam - Mahoe Farmhouse Cheese
NZ Cheese School Champion Cheesemaker
Jacob Rosevear - Mahoe Farmhouse Cheese
2012 Cuisine NZ Champions of Cheese Awards Category Winners:
The Langham Champion Fresh Unripened Cheese Award
Buffalo Mozzarella – Clevedon Valley Buffalo Company
Countdown Champion Feta Cheese Award
Brinza – Gibbston Valley Cheese
Innovative Packaging Champion Soft White Rind Cheese Award
Overbrook Brie – Talbot Forest Cheese
Elldex Packaging Champion Goat Cheese Award
Cilantro Chèvre – Cilantro Cheese
Monteith's Champion Sheep Cheese Award
Cumerino – Over The Moon Dairy Company
Thermaflo Champion Washed Rind Cheese Award
Galactic Gold – Over the Moon Dairy Company
GEON Champion Cheddar Cheese Award
Fonterra Edendale Cheddar – Fonterra Edendale (aged 26- 36 months)
QCONZ Champion European Style Cheese Award
Parmesan – Talbot Forest Cheese
NZ Labs/Bureau Veritas Champion Dutch Style Cheese Award
Leyden Vintage – Karikaas Natural Dairy Products
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Champion New Cheese Award
Buffalo Hard Cheese – Clevedon Valley Buffalo Company
Fonterra Champion Original Cheese Award
Darfield – Gruff Junction
AsureQuality Champion Flavoured Cheese Award
Garlic & Chive Gouda – Meyer Gouda Cheese
Ecolab Champion Blue Cheese Award
Vintage Blue – Whitestone Cheese
Goodman Fielder Champion Export Cheese Award
Kapiti Kahurangi – Fonterra Brands NZ
New World Champion Favourite Cheese Award
Kapiti Kikorangi – Fonterra Brands NZ
Caspak Champion Cheese Packaging Award
Whitestone Range – Whitestone Cheese
Curds & Whey Champion Home Crafted Cheese Award
Mozzarella by Adrian Walcroft
Curds & Whey Champion Ho
The mag is MILK and it is great.
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